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White House to Establish Guidelines for Federal Employees on Artificial Intelligence Use

The Biden Administration is set to announce new guidelines for the use of generative artificial intelligence (genAI) by federal employees. The previous efforts to regulate genAI were criticized for being too vague and ineffective. The upcoming executive order will also revise immigration standards to allow for an influx of technology workers to support US development efforts.

The White House has sent invitations for a “Safe, Secure, and Trustworthy Artificial Intelligence” event hosted by President Joseph R. Biden Jr. It is expected that the event will unveil the new guidelines.

GenAI has been rapidly advancing, causing concerns among industry experts. Last May, Biden issued “guidance” on genAI, and Vice President Kamala Harris met with CEOs from major tech companies to discuss potential issues related to security, privacy, and control. The administration had previously introduced a blueprint for an “AI Bill of Rights” and an AI Risk Management Framework.

The new executive order will require large language models (LLMs), which form the foundation of generative AI, to undergo assessments before being used by US government agencies. This includes agencies like the Defense Department, Energy Department, and intelligence agencies.

The regulations will strengthen the voluntary commitment made by 15 AI development companies to ensure responsible use and evaluation of genAI systems. The aim is to enhance national cybersecurity defenses and address concerns such as hallucinations, data vulnerability, and biases in AI applications.

While the regulation of AI is necessary to protect public well-being, there are concerns about stifling innovation and open-source initiatives. The White House will work with the National Institute of Standards and Technology to tighten industry guidelines on testing and evaluating AI systems.

As genAI continues to evolve, the government’s role in regulating AI goes beyond being a mere regulator. It also acknowledges the dual nature of AI as both a strategic asset and a potential risk. A nuanced approach to AI regulation is needed to ensure the safety, ethics, and responsible deployment of AI technology.

Efforts to regulate AI are not limited to the US. European countries have also implemented measures to ensure compliance with laws and prevent the generation of harmful content. States and municipalities in the US are also considering their own restrictions on the use of AI-based systems.

The establishment of guidelines for AI use by federal employees is a significant step in harnessing and containing AI technology to benefit society.

Unique Perspective: As AI continues to advance and become more integral to various aspects of our lives, it is crucial to have clear guidelines and regulations in place. The establishment of guidelines for federal employees on AI use shows the government’s recognition of the potential risks posed by AI and the importance of responsible AI development and deployment. By setting these guidelines, the White House aims to protect national security, privacy, and ethical considerations while leveraging AI’s potential for positive impact.

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